Like every other journal keeper out there, my journal is my personal space where I not only express my thoughts and emotions about life in general but also record the lessons I learn therein. I’m especially excited to share this with you all because I believe that by sharing my life and my world with you , I’ll be able to create a common ground for my readers and I to share experiences and lives with one another and be able to positively influence one another.
Here’s a breakdown of the topics which I’ll most likely be writing about and sharing in my journal in no particular order:
As I stated in the pt.1 of this post , I’m a Christian ( Adventist).
I haven’t had the smoothest journey with regards to my walk with God and my faithfulness to Him. In all my inconsistencies and failures , He ( God ) has always been faithful and never given up on me . I know I still have a long way to go with Him and this is one journey I’m excited about .
By writing and sharing this part of my life with you, I hope to not only inspire and encourage fellow young christians like myself but to also hear from you and be inspired by your sharings too.
Let’s grow in faith together !
They say that a person gets two types of families in his lifetime; the family he’s born into, and the family he gains in life. I believe that the people in our lives go a long way to influence and form our lives ( at least in my case).
In this category , I hope to share with you how my family and friends have influenced my life both positively and negatively. I also look forward to sharing with you the lessons and experiences that’ll come in future as we are bound to meet new people everyday.
I’m hopeful that we’ll become an online family of our own too.
I may be single but I like love and romance and relationships. In this day and age where love is the most preached yet least practiced act, romance and romantic gestures have been” lustified” , I can’t help but feel lost and out of place.
I believe there’s more to love than I know and more to relationships than meets the eye. It’s my hope that by sharing my views, opinions, experiences , lessons and questions with you we’ll be able to have some honest and enlightening conversations that’ll help us all.
Like any other form of art , fashion is a way people express themselves using clothes and accessories.
I’m still on a journey of finding my style and I intend sharing this with you all, my struggles and concerns and everything that fits in here.
Of course we can’t talk fashion and leave out her twin sister “Beauty” so let’s get ready to break through the firewall of the world’s beauty standards in this 21st century and define our own beauty.
All entries made could either be based on a real life emotional outburst or an inspiration from a song , movie, book, sermon or situation.There may be occasional poems here and there too..
As we grow, the categories may be updated but for now let’s just enjoy this ride together…
I found my voice in writing and I hope you find yours too…
What are your expectations for this journal? Please do let me know in the comment section..
As usual, don’t be a stranger …

Bring it on we all ears
Great work girl.
Thanks Brandy
This is going to be fun….noticed movies ain’t part of the categories tho “hobbies”
Lol…. I think I should update my categories then …. i’ve got you to ensure I’m always up to date with movies so why not …
Yarh! Yarh!!!!
Girlllll… I’m shy mpo …
Romance and romantic gestures “lustified”. This needs to be expanded
in future posts…. I stand to be corrected tho
Yassssssss!following all the way..I personally look forward to what you Have to say cause i know there’s more..not jus ‘mere more’ buh ‘good more’
thank you Mo …..
Yassss!definitely looking forward to more!cause i know it’s gonna be some good stuff
Nice keep it up dear
thank you Thad
I am intrigued. I am glued to you Hun.Do your best and turn lives and thoughts around. We only get better by learning with and from others.
Bless up.
hi Kristen, thanks so much for your support and kind words…. looking forward to all the good things i can learn from you too…