Muddy Waters
It is worth mourning,
This thing we had
Emotions so unbelievably consuming,
so addictive and very nearly toxic
A passion that burned through the skin
And a longing that left one breathless
It is worth mourning
This thing we lost
The joy of going through each day together in spite of the distance
Knowing that we will end the day in each other’s ears saying a lot of sweet nothings
The soaring feeling of knowing that I was loved with the same intensity as I loved
The assurance that you were mine and I was yours
The confidence of knowing that I was fully accepted and claimed with all my perfections and imperfections
It is worth mourning,
This thing we are trying to hold onto
A friendship that was not self-seeking
A bonding of souls so deep we could not find our way out
A companionship so pure and true it always felt like a safe home
A love so easy and beautiful it felt too good to be true
It is heartbreaking
To realize that as precious and as unique as what we shared was
We could not protect it
The life we could have had
The future we will never know
It is worth mourning
Not to be forgotten
Always to be cherished