You’d think that humans would’ve learnt a lesson by now…

Goodbyes are never fun- always heartbreaking, tear-filled moments that leave the heart and soul lonely and dry; and yet we never learn.

And so each time we have to go through the same process over and over again and it doesn’t get any better. Unlike Sam Smith, we aren’t too good at goodbyes..(at least not me).

How could anyone tho? No man is an Island they say..

There’s a person for everyone, even in the most unlikely places, and I’m no exception.

Nobody knows exactly what to expect in new environments, especially one with people of completely different backgrounds and culture..

But here we are:

We’ve had first impressions and misconceptions,

Crushes and crush-nots ,rejections and heartbreaks.. we’ve had them all.

We’ve lived our best lives and worst lives together….

From church services, parties, shopping sprees, lunch/dinner outings to regular hanging out and discussing life issues in someone’s room.

From strangers to friends,

It’s been a good run with you guys.

I can only think of the good moments in spite of whatever bad ones we may have had.

I wish we could go back in time to relive our happy moments again…

I wish we could delay these last days so we could enjoy our new bonds and friendships a little longer.

But life must go on,

You must leave so my time can come.

At this point I wonder what I could do;

Which gift would be good enough, expensive enough or special enough to fully express my heartfelt gratitude and best wishes.

May the Lord be your guide,

May all your dreams and aspirations come to pass in the Lord.

In this social media age, I hope we can keep in touch..

And above all things,

May the Lord watch between you and I, guarding and keeping us safe in His wonderful love and glorious light, till we meet again.

Forever your girl

Here are a few pictures of our time together

global village ..#oneafrica
lunch dates after csc pays
travelling to another city to eat McDonalds..
✨selfies ✨
not-so-glam days…. #spaday
Sisters seekers 

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14 thoughts on “MIZPAH…

  1. parting is always not an easy task. but well said, every phase of life must surely come to an end for another to begin. wishing you all a happy life. God bless you Yarh for a lovely writeup

  2. This reminds me of when I was leaving China. I was so happy to be coming home cos I missed home and the summer in Hangzhou was killing me yet I was already missing the good memories friends and teachers. Life must go on as you said. Thanks for this amazing piece.

    1. Thanks for passing through ☺️☺️. I have been to the south a few times in summer and that HEAT!!!!

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