Me ma mo afehyiapa oo
Me ma mo afehyiapa aa
Afe ato yen ato yen ato yen
Yedi no pepepe
[pardon my twi]
Hello! hello! hello! people. How are we all doing? Fine I hope. I can’t tell why I’m super excited this very moment as I write today’s post but I have a lot to be grateful for, and if you’re reading this, then so do you.
Wow!! What a year it has been, right? Although a few cases of covid were recorded in the later weeks of 2019, none of us expected 2020 to still go like it has. But charley…by June dier by June dier nanso we’re in December oo!! God be praised.
As the faithful darling blogger that I am, I feel it’s necessary to start up the conversation of how this year’s been for us all. That is what today’s post is going to be about. I’ll share my 2020 (because I can only tell my story), and then you share yours too (in the comment section because I’ll be reading).
I do not need to think deep and far to describe just how tragic this year has been for all of us. Covid might have popped up in 2019 but it took over 2020. We’ve all had our fair share of panics, emotional and physical stress, and a great number of deaths too. Feels like somehow, we’ve had first hand experience of how the characters in the various apocalyptic movies feel. We low-key became characters in one big apocalyptic movie. Hoarding of food supplies, closing of borders, alarming spike in flight tickets etc etc…And oh! Lets not forget all the conspiracy theories that came up. We saw those who would last and those who wouldn’t last should the worst ever happen.
A lot has happened throughout the year and on the surface, it’s easy to think that covid-19 is the only thing that happened this year. Upon further reflection, I realized that one needs only to look a little closer to realize that 2020 has been a whole lot more than covid-19.
A good example, on the funny side, would be the fact that most thought we’d all be wiped out by June but it’s December and we are getting ready to enjoy Bronya. Things may not have returned to how we’ve known them to be but we’re all pretty much adjusted to the new normal i.e veronica buckets and face masks (lol).
‘What does not kill you will make you stronger’. I think this quote is a good slogan/motto for 2020. The global pandemic may have brought the world to its knees for a while, we may have had to put things on hold for a few weeks or months…. But we learnt to crawl on our knees. On the grand scale, we are a better people for it. World leaders and various presidents learnt to still run the affairs of their countries, businesses and various workplaces learnt to survive one way or the other. Church services have become considerably shorter.
On a personal level, I have a lot to be grateful for this 2020. I graduated from Medical School unscathed (post still loading), got to come back home after being away for almost 6 years and meet my family in good health. My immediate little sister also graduated from Nursing school. All of my friends who sat for various exams passed. And most of all, in spite of the fear we had, I’m alive and sound.
It would have been easy to kowtow to the crisis and just fold our arms and complain. Instead, like the Phoenix, we rose up, shook off the ash, and pressed on to live again. One thing I’ve learnt through it all is that life goes on. So long as the clock keeps ticking. So long as nights turn into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months… life will continue to happen. Come rain come shine. And if you wake up each day, then that is your divine sign to get up and move!
What if 2021 is worse?
I wish I were a prophetess who could foresee into 2021 to tell you all how it’s going to be like. Unfortunately, I’m not, and like you all, I’m clueless. I wish I had some very intelligent, soul-moving answer to give for the above question. I wish I could promise you with all certainty that 2021 will be better than 2020… but I unfortunately do not have the power to do so.
After the year we’ve had, with regards to changing plans and lifestyles as a whole, I’ve learnt to make room for unforeseen circumstances. I’ll say that I have become much more realistic with my resolutions. Above everything, my main resolution is to improve on my quality as a human being i.e to focus on being a better person in all aspects of my life.
So what if next year is worst? Well what if it’s not? Only God truly knows the future but I believe that we are better prepared.
I believe that the God who gave us the moon, and the stars to shine during the dark night; He who graciously saw us through this year, is more than able to see us through the next… and we’ll survive again.
Let’s talk about Bronya…
So elections are over, and now it’s time to celebrate Christmas and the end of yet another year. I believe that we have more reason to be thankful this year, more reason to be grateful, more reason to celebrate and make merry with our loved ones.
This post is not in any way to undermine the pain of those who have lost family and friends this year (trust me my family has experienced its own share of losses). This post is to encourage us to pause and savour the sweet memories of all the good things that happened this year too. To arouse gratitude in our hearts, and to remind us to be alive enough to enjoy the festive season.
My heart goes out to all those who lost loved ones this year, and to those who lost jobs and sources of livelioods. To those of us whose greatest achievement this year was to survive and come out sane…cheers!!!
God has been good… Do not withhold your thanksgiving. How good (inspite of the bad) has your 2020 been? Share with me…
I wish you and yours a very wonderful Christmas/end of year celebration…
Don’t forget to keep safe still by following the protocols…
Warmest greetings…
Wow 2020 hmmmm where to begin and where to end…..I personally wanna thank The Almighty God for my life and the life of my family and friends…this year showed me how talented my friends and family are with their tiktok videos and status posts…lol I really hope 2021 becomes a really great and relaxed year… This post actually brings back some funny moments…thank you for that and keep doing you as always…..
Tiktok videos!!!! How could I forget even…. hehe
2020 has been a bit of everything for me, I can say it’s the year my mental health has been tested over and over again. But I’m thankful I’ve come this year regardless all the things that happened and did not happened.
Merry Christmas Yarh
Merry Christmas El
Thank you Emma
My response is a bit late. I’m typing this one on the eve of 2021.(Hooray) Your writing is mega-inspiring. It’s super enjoyable to read. Your fingers were made to hold a pen. Please don’t ever stop! In hindsight 2020, was super scary, I can’t remember the number of times I freaked out thinking I had contracted Coro (lol). Even a mundane visit to the babershop felt like a lethal trip to the Amazon jungle. Thank God for keeping me, my fam and friends safe. Thanks Yarh!!!
Thanks Kojo