Hello Hello…
It only feels right to start today’s post the same way I did a year ago. Yes! It’s already been a year since Yarh’s Journal launched guys. It does feel quite surreal but I’m really excited about this one. I’m thankful to God first and then to you all for affording me the opportunity to even have something to celebrate.
I have always secretly wanted to share my writings with people and every now and then I would share some of my pieces with friends and I’d get good feedback from them but the actual creation of this blog kind of just happened. I think I reached a point where I realized I wanted to do more than just write for me… I wanted to share my life, my story and the lessons there in with people… for it is in sharing that we receive. And so I started this blogging journey with just little knowledge and a dream.
People say that the first year is usually the toughest of most journeys. I wouldn’t say that this past year has been “tough” per se, but I’ve had my own mental/emotional drama along the way. One of such would be the issue of vulnerability. The difference between writing for myself and writing for an audience is the fact that I’m being vulnerable to everybody who reads. It’s like opening your skull so people would see your brains to know your thought process coupled with the fear of whether or not they’ll like what they see. “Would they get my message?”, “Is it good enough?”, Is it too much?”, etc are usually the battles I go through with each post. As a result, many drafted posts never saw the light of day.
A year and twenty-two posts down the line, I think I’m getting better at getting out of my head and sorting through the mess until I have a piece that is worthy of sharing with my readers without losing the actual message. In this past year I have learnt that blogging isn’t simply about writing, it’s about sharing stories that add value to others’ lives and teaching us that if we’ll open up and talk, we’ll realize that our stories aren’t different after all.
I found my voice and safe haven in writing and it’s my prayer and hope that God would continue to use me and this platform to reach and touch as many lives as possible even as He works in mine.

This one year anniversary is as much mine as it yours for you guys have not only been my readers but my support system too. By your kind comments, by your every share, with your constructive criticism, you have made me a better writer today than I was when I first started out. It is because of you guys that I believe in a brighter future for this blog. It is my desire to grow as a writer so I can continue to bring you rich contents with each post. As we grow in age I wish that we’ll grow in numbers as well and I appeal to you all to continue sharing my links with your friends and contacts.
As this is my last year in China for my Bachelor’s degree, I’m thinking of breaking down my experience here into various episodes (#miniseries) in my attempt to answer the most asked question of all; how’s life in China? Stay tuned.
Special thanks to the various guests who agreed to share their stories with us in this past year and I look forward to getting a few more in this year too if and when the opportunity presents itself.
Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing. Thank you for being here for me and with me in this journey.
The once shy girl decided to open her journal to all and the plan is to keep sharing with you until my last breath.
What has been your favorite post so far? In which areas do you think your girl needs improving? Help me become a better writer…
Cheers to one year and to many more to come…

Forever your girl.
Thank you
Congratulations dear, cheers to more years of blogging. I look for to reading how life in China is. I’d love to do some comparisons myself.
Thank you Dela…
Yaay its been a year already Expecting more amazing things from you.
Ikr… no pressure on here tho … lol..
Congratulations..!! Keep on ..!!
Thank you
Congratulations! I have observed your growth as a writer. I admire your courage to be vulnerable. I admire your willingness to be authentic to your voice as a writer. That’s the thing: when you write, I am “hearing” your voice, your experience, your perspective. I have observed that you have not only grown in developing your distinctive voice as an author but you have also grown in learning to integrate the specifics of your personal experience with the things you share and challenge us as readers with—I think this makes your blog very fresh because we get to hear YOU. You get to synthesize something that is genuinely surprising and interesting while continuing to be relevant and an authentic reflection of who you are. So Thankyou for taking us along with you in your journey. Your voice matters.
Congratulations beautiful.
Just always be you and everything will work itself out.
The future is exciting am really ready to find out how your stay have been !!!
Thank you
Yaaaassss giiirrrrlll… Keep shinning
Thank you b
Congratulations! I look forward to the China experience.
Thank you
Congrats! Dear
Thank you
Congrats dear. I look forward to reading about your life in China. Happy anniversary
Thank you Nadia